Wednesday, August 27, 2008

We use SAMPI ! ! !

South Australian Marine Product Industries

Organically Certified Hydrolysate (Fish Emulsion)
  • Is an organic fertilizer, soil biology feed and revitaliser produced from fresh tuna
  • Is 100% pure liquid fish & contains a wide spectrum of major nutrients and trace elements in organic plant available form
  • Retains all the nutrients, trace elements, vitamins etc. that were present in the raw fish and is very effective as a livestock feed additive
  • Can be used as a foliar spray and also for ground application
  • Has a non-offensive smell, is easy to handle and simple to apply by spray equipment & fertigation
  • Is suitable for all soils, pastures, crops, ornamentals, trees and vegetables
  • Is environmentally friendly and safe to plants

Raw material used: Australian Processed wild caught Tuna. We do not use fresh water or aquacultured fish or northern hemisphere species which may contain toxins.

Process: Fresh Tuna material is received fresh daily at our factory in Port Lincoln, South Australia. It is ground and then enzyme digested in a low temperature process which breaks down fish, or fish frames to simpler protein complexes. No synthetic materials are mixed into the fish hydrolysate, and the only manipulation the product undergoes is grinding and hydrolysis. This process yields a stable, non-odorous, liquid slurry which can be separated into solute, solids and oil, is compleatly safe and has been certified as organic.

Advantages: Tuna hydrolysate is a totally natural product having not been subjected to high heat or chemical treatment, and contains many trace elements including selenium. It is a soil rather than a plant food or fertiliser. It contains nutrients that feed the good bacteria and fungi in soil where the nitrogen drawing activities and nutrient excreted by the bacteria ensure sustainable, healthy plant growth.

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