Thursday, September 25, 2008

Quality, function and benefits of Fine Compost

Standardized Quality of Fine Compost

1. Pathogen Bacteria - Free
2. Eggs and Parasite - Free
3. Weed seeds - Free
4. Plant Toxic - Free
5. Odour - Free

Function of Fine Compost

1. Stimulate growth
2. Condition soil
3. Enhance soil porosity
4. Intensify soil aggregate
5. Improve soil premeability
6. Enhance water hold capacity
7. Increase land productivity

Benefits of Fine compost

1. Cut the cost fertilizer
2. Improve biological soil fertility
3. Enhance soil physicality (texture, structure, etc)
4. Improve soil pH
5. Supply soil micro and macro nutrient
6. Economical and easy to use
7. Healthier plants, remorse from insect, fungus and diseases
8. Enhance land productivity
9. Increase production quantity and quality
10. Good effects for the environment

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fine Compost: High Quality Organic Fertilizer

Continuous use of chemical fertilizer without any application of organic fertilizer is proven to cause damage on soil's physical, biological and chemical composition. To solve this problem along with enhancing land productivity as a plant medium, soil preservation (restoration) is a necessity.

Stable supply of organic fertilizer both on quantity and quality consistency is an exacting challenge. Lembah Hijau Multifarm Research Station has succeeded to innovate organic waste management system (farming). This organic waste is transformed into high quality organic fertilizer, which is called "Fine Compost".

Green Valley Fine Compost is processed with decomposition method using Stardec starter microbe, which is tested since 1981 through its application on plantation, horticulture and nursery.

Fine Compost production system make uses of Stardec starter microbe and has been recomended by the Ministry of Agriculture of Indonesia, certified by BINUS and patented under the law of the Departemen Kehakiman dan HAM Republic of Indonesia.

Content of Fine Compost:

Total N 1.81%
P2O5 1.89%
K2O 1.96%
CaO 2.96%
MgO 0.70%
C/N Max 20%
pH 6.5-7.5
Cation exchange capacity >75me/100gram
Moisture 40+5%
Seedling experiment Acceptable
Pathogenic Microorganism Free

The first set of chillies

The new variety chillies

Infected bananas trees (not our!)


Uninvited guest, as usual


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

We use SAMPI ! ! !

South Australian Marine Product Industries

Organically Certified Hydrolysate (Fish Emulsion)
  • Is an organic fertilizer, soil biology feed and revitaliser produced from fresh tuna
  • Is 100% pure liquid fish & contains a wide spectrum of major nutrients and trace elements in organic plant available form
  • Retains all the nutrients, trace elements, vitamins etc. that were present in the raw fish and is very effective as a livestock feed additive
  • Can be used as a foliar spray and also for ground application
  • Has a non-offensive smell, is easy to handle and simple to apply by spray equipment & fertigation
  • Is suitable for all soils, pastures, crops, ornamentals, trees and vegetables
  • Is environmentally friendly and safe to plants

Raw material used: Australian Processed wild caught Tuna. We do not use fresh water or aquacultured fish or northern hemisphere species which may contain toxins.

Process: Fresh Tuna material is received fresh daily at our factory in Port Lincoln, South Australia. It is ground and then enzyme digested in a low temperature process which breaks down fish, or fish frames to simpler protein complexes. No synthetic materials are mixed into the fish hydrolysate, and the only manipulation the product undergoes is grinding and hydrolysis. This process yields a stable, non-odorous, liquid slurry which can be separated into solute, solids and oil, is compleatly safe and has been certified as organic.

Advantages: Tuna hydrolysate is a totally natural product having not been subjected to high heat or chemical treatment, and contains many trace elements including selenium. It is a soil rather than a plant food or fertiliser. It contains nutrients that feed the good bacteria and fungi in soil where the nitrogen drawing activities and nutrient excreted by the bacteria ensure sustainable, healthy plant growth.

It's gettin hot!

Not a surprise, since it's a clear land in the middle of the forest (no where!!)The weather is rather ok in the morning from 7 to 11.30. But when noon strucks, I'll tell you, the sun is hotttt!! You can even get your skin over tanned ! Which I did, unfortnately :) Nonetheless, in whatever weather condition, the workers strive their very best to work on the ladang. Irrigation system is very important, as i mentioned earlier, the temperature could get high, with less rain, it could worsen the crops growth!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Keadaan tanaman di ladang

Seperti yang di war warkan pada awal blog, Agrihills bercadang untuk menanam Betik sebagai tanaman utama. Namun cadangan atau perancangan itu terpaksa di tangguhkan dahulu, oleh kerana tanah yang dikhaskan untuk penanaman betik belum habis dibajak. Untuk tidak membuang masa menunggu betik, Agrihills telah pon mula menanam cash crop, iaitu tanaman cili, kacang buncis, terung dan jagung. Tanaman tanaman ini di tanam sejak bulan Mac dan kini telah menampakkan hasil yang memuaskan. Tanaman cili dibahagi kepada dua, satu di dalam poli bag dan satu ditanam secara konvensional diatas tanah. Terung pula ada terung panjang dan bulat.

Sehari di MAHA 2008

Pada 13 Ogos yang lepas, Agrihills telah ke MAHA yang diadakan di Serdang. Bertolak pagi dari Kelana Jaya, sampai di MAHA pada pukul 10.30 pagi. Kali ini, Agrihills yang masih baru, pergi sebagai pengunjung dan penggiat bidang pertanian sahaja dan bukan sebagai peserta MAHA. Mungkin pada MAHA 2010 :) in'ALLAH

MAHA 2008 yang bermula pada pukul 10.30 itu sudah pun menerima pengunjung yang ramai sejak pagi lagi, dari budak-budak sekolah dan kolej ke penduduk sekitar Kuala Lumpur dan Lembah Klang. Bayaran bagi parking adalah RM5, agak mahal tapi rasanya, sudah pun diturunkan pada minggu cuti sekolah ini, bagi tidak membebankan mereka yang berkeluarga untuk datang. Pengunjung juga dikenakan charge sebanyak RM1 untuk menaiki perkhidmatan tram yang membawa mereka pusing satu kawasan MAHA. Kalau nak berjalan memang lah tak larat!

MAHA kali ini, banyak improvement dari segi perkhidmatan tram yang banyak, kaunter pertanyaan yang banyak, penyediaan dewan tempat makan yang selesa dan penambahan booth pameran yang menarik. Mungkin feedback dari MAHA yang lepas telah banyak memberi pengajaran kepada panganjur.
Namun begitu, satu saja perkara yang agak tidak memuaskan dan mengejutkan. Ia adalah jualan buah buahan tempat yang terdapat di MAHA 2008. Jika dibandingkan harga antara buah buahan yang dijual di MAHA dengan buah buahan yang dijual diluar seperti di tepi jalan atau pun di pasar, jauh bezanya. Buah di MAHA 2008 agak tinggi harganya, ada juga yang sama harga dengan diluar.
Ikutkan pengalaman, di pameran pertanian seperti MAHA ini, sudah tentu pengunjung yang datang mengharapkan untuk membeli buah buahan tempatan dengan harga yang sedikit murah. Sememangnya jangkaan itu meleset. . .

Anyways, here are some photos to share with!

MAHA 2008

'Malaysia is once again set to host the region's largest exhibition showcasing the latest Technologies and Innovations in the Agriculture, Agro-Based, Horticulture and Agrotourism Industry - Malaysia, Agriculture, Horticulture and Agrotourism Exhibition 2008 (MAHA 2008). Hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry and organised by Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority (FAMA), MAHA 2008 is expected to be the biggest event of the year serving the Agro-Based Industry. Being awarded by The Malaysian Book of Records as the Largest Exhibition in Malaysia, MAHA 2008 is undoubtedly the largest industry gathering in the South East Asia region. MAHA 2008 is regarded as a 'must attend' for the industry to be updated with the latest innovations and solutions and to do business. Over 950 local and international exhibitors are expected to showcase their latest solutions to the industry', (, 2008).

Monday, August 18, 2008

Earthwork di Lanchang

Earthwork bermaksud
'Excavation and embankment of earth'

Kerja-kerja 'earthwork' dijalankan bagi membersih dan meratakan kawasan hutan di lot 75. Excavator dan Bulldozer yang digunakan, disewa dari kawasan sekitar Lanchang. Dengan kadar sewa yang berpatutan, kerja pembersihan berjalan sekitar sebulan lebih. Pokok-pokok habis di tebang untuk mendapatkan satu kawasan yang 'clear'. Kemudian tanah di bajak untuk mengeluarkan batang-batang kayu yang terbenam di tanah dan diberi treatment tanah bagi mengekalkan tahap 'resistance' yang tinggi. Kerja membajak (ploughing) pula dilakukan oleh salah seorang pengusaha di Lanchang juga. Namanya Uncle Nan, coincidently, ada mesin membajak, jadi Agrihills mengupahnya dengan upah yang reasonable untuk membajak tanah di lot 75. Lama juga menunggu tanah untuk siap di bajak! Maklumlah tanah pun 100 ekar! Tapi outcome nya amat memuaskan!