Thursday, September 25, 2008

Quality, function and benefits of Fine Compost

Standardized Quality of Fine Compost

1. Pathogen Bacteria - Free
2. Eggs and Parasite - Free
3. Weed seeds - Free
4. Plant Toxic - Free
5. Odour - Free

Function of Fine Compost

1. Stimulate growth
2. Condition soil
3. Enhance soil porosity
4. Intensify soil aggregate
5. Improve soil premeability
6. Enhance water hold capacity
7. Increase land productivity

Benefits of Fine compost

1. Cut the cost fertilizer
2. Improve biological soil fertility
3. Enhance soil physicality (texture, structure, etc)
4. Improve soil pH
5. Supply soil micro and macro nutrient
6. Economical and easy to use
7. Healthier plants, remorse from insect, fungus and diseases
8. Enhance land productivity
9. Increase production quantity and quality
10. Good effects for the environment

1 comment:

Global Excellent Marketing Sdn.Bhd (GEM) said...

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